Animal Shelter Competition

The project is the winner of the All-Russian competition of architectural concepts of shelters for stray animals


Architecture, Concept




DOM RF, ASI, KB Strelka


Concept 2018


Total place area

Space efficiency

10 Ha

Total area


Award in Competition for a new standart animal shelter in Russia, 2019


Earlier, the typology of shelters was not considered from the point of view of architecture, so we had to study and work out everything from scratch. The task was to create not only a comfortable place for temporary keeping of animals, but also an attraction point for their future owners.

According to our concept, the shelter becomes a real Zen park and a recreation area. We used the ideas of Japanese architecture: light constructions, wooden panels, naturalness and ease of arrangement. The territory of the shelter combines pavilions for dogs and cats, sterilization and vaccination blocks, squares for spending time for visitors and animals.

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